速報APP / 遊戲 / Baby Puzzles: Train

Baby Puzzles: Train



檔案大小:61.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Baby Puzzles: Train(圖1)-速報App

Free toy train puzzles with trains for babies - are classified as educational logic games for toddlers up from 2 years. Kids love to collect puzzles with different transportation: cars, planes and trains and of course play them with pleasure not only for boys but also for girls. Your babies will delight in the colorful pictures which depict a variety of trains, together with a pleasant sound design gameplay fun runs and not by constraint.

Baby Puzzles: Train(圖2)-速報App

Educational games for babies, a very important component of modern development. Free baby toy train puzzles with trains, is a great opportunity for parents and kids to spend time having fun and useful. The solution is simple logic assignments positively affects the development of the child's memory, concentration and perseverance. Control of the game is made simple and the child will not be difficult to play with them without the help of parents.

Baby Puzzles: Train(圖3)-速報App

Free educational toy train puzzles for kids on mobile devices have become a trend in the category of educational games.

Baby Puzzles: Train(圖4)-速報App

Rules of the toy train learning game are simple and understandable for babies, collect a picture of a railway. To do this, move the image details in place. When the puzzle will be collected, you will hear a melody and the following picture.

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支援平台:iPhone, iPad